This article released June 28, 2012 by the Colorado Dept. of Insurance is to help people that have suffered property damage, in this case specifically form the wildfires, understand what roles a Public Adjuster can play in the claim settlement process. It covers what does a PA do, how much should a PA charge and tips before hiring any Public Adjuster.
This article helps people determine what is expected from a Public Adjuster, especially in complex losses such a total loss fires.
Many times the insurance company’s adjuster will tell you that you do not need the services of a PA. Why? Isn’t that person supposed to do the same things for you? Unfortunately not. Yes the company adjuster will document what they see and try and determine the items that are no longer visible, but that person’s job is to review the documents you a re required to submit and determine the legitimacy and accuracy of any items claimed. The adjuster may not have any building experience to help determine the costs of setting roof trusses. The adjuster may not know the value of your LP collection or how to determine it. The adjuster may know nothing about business inventory. A Public Adjuster help ties all of these items together to maximize the property owner’s recovery for the loss.
For a free claim review call toll free 855 757 2757.
At American Property Loss Services, Inc. “Your Recovery is Our Success!” – Original CO DOI Posting