Water damage: Seven home insurance scenarios | Insure.com.
This article from Insure.com lists 7 possible water loss scenarios that can cause property damage severe enough to warrant filing an insurance claim. Many policyholders do not know what is covered and what is not, or why.
Scenario #1 : Frozen Pipes. Very Common in the northern US. Each policy states how many days the house can be unoccupied or vacant (different legal definitions) before the policy stops providing coverage.
Scenario #2 : Be careful of this one. If the water from the pool runs across the ground and then enters the basement, this type of loss may be considered a flood claim; normally excluded by most homeowner’s policies.
Scenario #3 : Another very common loss, normally very straight forward.
Scenario #4 : Coverage here is normally determined by where the blockage occurs. If the blockage is at the street, on the municipalities side of the system, thee is normally no coverage. But if the clogged pipe is in the basement and it is jammed because little Billy flushed a plastic dinosaur, you are normally covered.
Scenario #5 : Seepage is normally not covered as it is (usually) caused by long term damage. Though, there are times that flood coverage may provide some relief in the event of a claim.
Scenario #6 : Water as the result of a roof leak is normally covered, and so is the roof damage. Most roofs are in “working order” before that storm comes along and causes some additional damage to the roof to allow the water to come in and cause damage to the interior of the home. If the roof is in poor shape, and has multiple long term leaks, then a claim would most likely be denied.
Scenario #7 : Again we see flood damage (water running across the surface of the ground) and this time it is not covered. This scenario is very like the leaking pool.
As we see, water can cause damage in many ways, not all of them covered by all policies.
If you have a water loss claim and are not sure if you are covered, or for what repairs, call today for your free claim review.
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