Every home owner should have home owners insurance. Home owners insurance cover your home in the event that any property damaging incidents should occur. Most home owners insurance policies cover fire damage, theft, vandalism and other conditions. The following article provides detailed tips about home owners insurance that anyone can use.

Make multiple copies of the photo or video inventory you create for home insurance claims. The best thing to do is take digital files and put them onto multiple CD’s along with a spreadsheet of all the items on the videos, their serial numbers, cost at purchase, and the date you bought them. Leave a copy at a family member’s house for safe keeping.

Install smoke alarms in your home. If you have smoke alarms in your house, you could save more than 10% on your annual home insurance premiums. If you have an older home, make sure that your home insurance provider knows that you have smoke alarms fitted, as many providers will assume that older properties do not have them.

If you are satisfied with your home insurance company, try and get greater savings out of them with a multiple policy discount! Many times a company will offer a significant discount as an incentive for taking out more than one policy with them so look into coverage for your car or health with the same company and quite possibly save on two or more annual policy premiums!

When trying to save money on your homeowner’s insurance, you should check out companies that offer multiple-policy discounts, which could be 10 percent or more if you have more than one type of policy with the same company. Examples would be if you had auto or health with a company, and then purchased homeowner’s with the same company.

Install and maintain a security system that connects to a local police station or central monitoring agency. These security systems notify law enforcement in case of a break-in. Installing one of these systems and keeping up with the monitoring service can save you as much as 5% on your annual insurance premiums.

Homeowner’s insurance is an expensive but necessary investment. However, there are ways to reduce that expense. By raising your deductible, you can lower your premium. Certain updates, such as a new roof or a security system, can also reduce your rate. Check with your insurance company for a full listing of the updates and improvements that can save you money on your policy.


In the event of a natural disaster such as a windstorm or tornado, take photographs of damage as soon as it is safe to do so. These photographs can help your homeowner’s insurance carrier determine appropriate claim coverage and can simplify the process. Having photographs of damage also allows you to begin the clean-up process even if it takes your carrier a few days to send an adjuster or inspector to your home.

When preparing an insurance claim, always solicit price quotations from reputable area contractors prior to negotiating with your claims adjuster. Make certain to retain all receipts and documentation for any emergency work you have done in order to stave off additional losses. Keep track of all monies spent on temporary lodging, as these outlays may be fully reimbursable under your policy.

Before speaking with a claims adjuster about your homeowner’s insurance claims, get some repair estimates from trusted local businesses. This will give you some ammo against the insurance company when they tell you how much something will cost to repair or replace. Also, emergency repairs that you make to keep the damage from getting worse will be covered, as long as you keep receipts.

If your home is damaged severely with water, do not dispose of any destroyed property before your insurance adjuster can assess the damage. You can remove destroyed items from the home so that they do not cause further water damage to floors or other items, but leave them on the property. Failure to do so means you may not be compensated for those items.

As stated before, home owners insurance is a form of coverage that every home owner should have. The insurance covers property damage such as fire and other property related incidents, such as theft. Use the useful tips from the article above when you are considering purchasing home owners insurance.